Tag: JavaScript

Sales Training: Practical Advance Techniques

Sales is all about listening to people and prescribing a solution. In every job you’ll come across sales moments, whether you’re selling yourself in a job interview or selling products to customers – it’s an essential skill in all career paths. Sales needn’t be slimy, immoral, or complicated – it’s simply about getting the best solution for the customer so they are thrilled to buy from you.

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The Complete JavaScript Course 2019

Do you want to learn the number #1 programming language that powers the internet? Are you tired of wasting your time and money on random youtube videos or JavaScript courses that are either too simple, or too difficult to follow? Or are you struggling to deeply understand and apply JavaScript to real projects? If your answer is a big YES… Then this is exactly the course you are looking for!

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Trello Fundamentals – Beginners to Advanced

Trello lets you work more collaboratively and get more done. It’s intuitive and easy to pick up, unlike most other productivity tools out there, yet at the same time it is flexible enough that it can be tweaked for more serious and complex project management. 

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